All posts by Edgar Flores

Transcendent Kingdom Project Entry #2

Quitting my addiction for chips was difficult because I like eating chips especially my favorite chips. Quitting this was difficult I mostly eat them during the weekend when I’m craving for it or when I watch a show or a movie on my phone. I struggled through the time period of quitting this addiction. It was struggling because I always saw around chips when I got to the market or store I always see chips around I also have younger siblings who eat chips. So it was very difficult to try and not grab one.  My experiences connect to the novel because like the addiction of Gifty’s brother It was very tempting for me to buy a bag of chips and it was struggling not to do so.

Transcendent Kingdom Project Entry #1

A minor addiction I’ve chosen to give up is a bag of chips called “Kettlez”. I’ve chosen to give up this minor addiction because recently I have been eating a lot of them since those  are my favorite chips. But I am also given up these chips for my own health since it contains high levels of sodium and calories. In the past when I was younger I was more addicted to it and would eat bag more frequently. This cause me to be overweight and other problems but eventually stopped. Recently I still eat them and when its the weekend, a party or I have nothing to do Its mostly where I want to eat chips. So I just want to stop for a while to get my self together and just kind of watch out for my health. I think to stop this minor addiction for a while won’t be that hard because like I said in the past I have stop this minor addiction and I have been doing it for a while now. So even though these are my favorite chips and I have a minor addiction to them because I love spicy and these are spicy chips and taste delicious, I think I will be able to change my habit for a while since I to be doing recently. Also I have also stopped consuming other things like soda but this one is a bit harder because like I said it my favorite chips and even though I’ve given up to this I always relapse.

Blog Post #3

  1. An idea that strike my interest from chapter 4:language, meaning and interpretation is how culler explains and describes the tree dimensions of ‘meaning’ in literature. This was significant to me because in the text culler stated that there are three different levels of meaning are the meaning of a word, utterance and text. I agree with this because I believe that in literature a text can have many different perspectives and meanings. It also has an effect on the reader and the text can make the reader think about what he/she read. I think this idea jumps out at me because I really think literature is like an artwork where it express things in a lot of ways and can affect the reader into questioning himself what the text really means.
  2. A poem that I thought uses one of the techniques culler describes in chapter 5 is Emily Dickinson’s poetry titled “The brain is wider than the sky”. In this poem I found that she uses  figures of speech. Emily uses metaphor in this poem to describe and compare how the brain is wider than the sky. This technique jumps out to be important to b=me because this helps for the reader in his mind create images and questions to analyze of what the texts means and what the author is trying to express or say through their writing. It helps shape the meaning of the poem because the text is trying to tell you that the brain can be powerful and think of things that are out of this world.

Blog Post #2

In the section titled “The nature of literature” from chapter 2 of “what is Literature, and Does it matter?” by Jonathan Culler, in this section of the chapter Culler defines “literature” from several angles. The angle I found most interesting is “literature as aesthetic object”.  In this angle Cullen is basically telling us that Literature is made with a purpose to construct a reading that has different phases and emotions that will work together throughout the reading to have an end. The artistic part of literature is  the ending itself. It’s a pleasure when making literature or occasioned the writing itself. For a text to be consider as literature the text as a whole has to contribute into creating an effect, emotion or art in the reader’s mind. But it doesn’t have a purpose to inform the reader about anything or convince the reader about anything and it’s not meant to accomplish anything in the reader. Literature is made as something to entertain the reader. It has a purposiveness and a writing or story has to be tellable and have qualities that make them a good story. Also it’s not attached to external purpose. This is what makes a story aesthetic for the reader and listener. It is something that will amuse them and cause an effect in them think a something worth reading or listening. I found this angle interesting because it explains how or when a text or writing can be considered as literature as well as how literature can be an aesthetic object that readers and listeners can consume. I also found this interesting because I think literature can be an art of work and cause   readers or listeners  and it’ s mostly used in fiction stories where it has a variety of qualities to amuse the reader.

Blog Post #1

Blog Post #1: “The Brain – is wider than the sky-” by Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson”s poetry titled ” The Brain – is wider than the sky-“. In the first stanza it compares the human brain with the sky. Which suggests that the brain is wider than the sky. This portrays that the mind has the power to think and imagine beyond anything. Also I think that the meaning of the first stanza of this poetry is that the brain has no limit . This is why the speaker compares the brain with the sky because even though the sky is high and very wide, the brain is wider because it has the power to do almost anything with you on the side. On the second and third stanza of this poetry it talks about the brain being deeper than the sea and the brain just being the weight of god. In these last two stanza I think the significance is the brain can absorb anything . For example, the brain can absorb any kind of information , images that the eyes sees and the brain captures or any sounds that you hear the brain will absorb just like a sponge or a bucket does. The brain being just the weight of god means that the brain in all can be very powerful and great as god is but not infinite. Overall, what makes this piece of writing literature is that it describes the brain and compares with things of nature like the sky, the sea and god . Is like the writer of this poetry is trying to express that the brain is a very beautiful thing like the sea and was made to perceive the great things created while you on the side. The way the writer expresses herself about the brain is in a very artistic way and so this is why i think this piece of writing is literature.

Blog Post #1

Blog Post #1: “The Brain – is wider than the sky-” by Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson”s poetry titled ” The Brain – is wider than the sky-“. In the first stanza it compares the human brain with the sky. Which suggests that the brain is wider than the sky. This portrays that the mind has the power to think and imagine beyond anything. Also I think that the meaning of the first stanza of this poetry is that the brain has no limit . This is why the speaker compares the brain with the sky because even though the sky is high and very wide, the brain is wider because it has the power to do almost anything with you on the side. On the second and third stanza of this poetry it talks about the brain being deeper than the sea and the brain just being the weight of god. In these last two stanza I think the significance is the brain can absorb anything . For example, the brain can absorb any kind of information , images that the eyes sees and the brain captures or any sounds that you hear the brain will absorb just like a sponge or a bucket does. The brain being just the weight of god means that the brain in all can be very powerful and great as god is but not infinite. Overall, what makes this piece of writing literature is that it describes the brain and compares with things of nature like the sky, the sea and god . Is like the writer of this poetry is trying to express that the brain is a very beautiful thing like the sea and was made to perceive the great things created while you on the side. The way the writer expresses herself about the brain is in a very artistic way and so this is why i think this piece of writing is literature.