Transcendent Kingdom Project Entry #2

Quitting my addiction for chips was difficult because I like eating chips especially my favorite chips. Quitting this was difficult I mostly eat them during the weekend when I’m craving for it or when I watch a show or a movie on my phone. I struggled through the time period of quitting this addiction. It was struggling because I always saw around chips when I got to the market or store I always see chips around I also have younger siblings who eat chips. So it was very difficult to try and not grab one.  My experiences connect to the novel because like the addiction of Gifty’s brother It was very tempting for me to buy a bag of chips and it was struggling not to do so.

1 thought on “Transcendent Kingdom Project Entry #2

  1. Quitting my addiction from the use of phone was very difficult because technology is what the world runs on and without the use of my phone i wont be able to do alot of things like talking to my loved ones, family and friends, and i always use my phone to help me kill depression, anxiety, escape from the cruelty and hate from the real world. I am a thing people call “the popular loner” a person who knows alot of people but doesnt have anybody to hang with when its time. so most times im lonely and its the phone that helps me kill that lonliness by watching videos, playing game and listening to music

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