Category Archives: Transcendent Kingdom Project Entry #1

Transcendent Kingdom Project entry #1

  A small addiction I decided to give up is dairy products. I noticed that I eat a lot of things that carry milk so I’ve decided to lay off for a while especially since I want to get into shape (eating dairy products makes it a little harder for certain goals.) My Trainor told me that in order to get to that body goal- I’ll need to fix up my diet and dairy products was one that had to go.

So far I’m doing an okay job. I slip here and there but for the most part I’ve been okay. It hasn’t been too hard or extremely stressful. I’ve noticed lots of positive changes in my health since then too. It’s been okay.

Transcendent Kingdom Entry 1

A minor addiction that I’m giving up is soda/ really sweet drinks. Soda isn’t the healthiest beverage so cutting it out will do more harm than good. I wouldn’t say I am addicted addicted so I should be able to handle giving it up for the whole time period. I will probably slip up though unknowingly because it is hard to quit your addictions cold turkey. This caused me to have a little bit of acne and nobody wants that so this will further me into quitting. Quitting the soda was actually how I realized that was the cause of my acne. It had cleared but I started heavily drinking soda and it came back rapidly. I wouldn’t classify soda as my favorite type of drink but I would chose it over other options like orange juice or something. I have some digestive problems so the carbonation helps me.  I also have more energy as it seems. I feel like soda is heavy and sits in your stomach. Sugary drinks that claim to give you energy give you a sugar rush which you think is energy until you crash and feel really bad after.

Transcendent Kingdom Project Entry #1

I have decided to give up sugary foods as a minor addiction. My relationship with sugary food is insane. I can’t function without eating at least a tiny bit of sugary foods. Whenever I crave sweets, I would eat chocolate if not candy, cakes, or Ice-cream, and I consume at least two full of spoon sugar in my coffee which is excessive given that I drink coffee twice a day. And I often find myself crave for sugar when I’m stressed and now that I’m thinking to give up on it, I will have to consume the sweetness from other sources like fruits which I’m not very fond of. I choose this minor addiction because recently I have been experiencing acne breakouts on my face and although I was recommended by my dermatologist to cut back on sugar, I failed to do so. Despite using all effecting products to get rid of acne, it keeps coming back because sugar-rich foods spike my insulin levels and cause inflammation throughout my body, leading my body to make more sebum and oily substances, resulting in acne on my face. This is one of the reasons I have decided to give up on sugar again. I’m certain it will be extremely difficult for me to change my habit not to mention that I’m already terrified of drinking my coffee without sugar.




Transcendent Kingdom Project Entry #1

A minor addiction I’ve chosen to give up is a bag of chips called “Kettlez”. I’ve chosen to give up this minor addiction because recently I have been eating a lot of them since those  are my favorite chips. But I am also given up these chips for my own health since it contains high levels of sodium and calories. In the past when I was younger I was more addicted to it and would eat bag more frequently. This cause me to be overweight and other problems but eventually stopped. Recently I still eat them and when its the weekend, a party or I have nothing to do Its mostly where I want to eat chips. So I just want to stop for a while to get my self together and just kind of watch out for my health. I think to stop this minor addiction for a while won’t be that hard because like I said in the past I have stop this minor addiction and I have been doing it for a while now. So even though these are my favorite chips and I have a minor addiction to them because I love spicy and these are spicy chips and taste delicious, I think I will be able to change my habit for a while since I to be doing recently. Also I have also stopped consuming other things like soda but this one is a bit harder because like I said it my favorite chips and even though I’ve given up to this I always relapse.

Transcendent Kingdom Project Entry #1

A minor addiction I have chosen to give up would be social media. One reason why I chose to give up this habit is because I tend to procrastinate a lot and social media plays a huge part in my procrastination. I know that I would get so much work done swiftly if I did not give all of my attention to what goes on online. There are social  media platforms that allow me to communicate with my friends and family, or to stay up to date with certain things I enjoy, but sometimes I need to pull myself back from a nonexistent life that social media has created in my head, and just enjoy the reality that’s surrounded by me. Social media creates these false narratives of the way you should live a “perfect” life or can. Not only that but social media hinders me from missing out on a lot of things. It sounds very easy to give up, but it is actually very difficult to do so since the things I do are very mundane and social media is my form of entertainment. It is simply just a big distraction and also draining, so I want to be able to use it less. The way I would limit my social media use is by deactivating my accounts for just a small period of time. I will discipline myself to spend at least an hour a week on at least one screen-free hobby, and keep my phone out of my sight when not needed or useful, so that they are out of mind. I think these are a few ways that will help to tame my social media use. I want to be able to see improvement in myself and the things I could have accomplished before. 

Transcendent Kingdom Project entry #1

The minor addiction I am giving up is soda drinks to be more exact I want to focus on soda drinks that contain caffeine. I am choosing this above all else because I do know that I consume a lot so this is honestly a push in the right directors. The reason I am also choosing caffeine sodas such as Pepsi or Coca-Cola is that this is my only source of caffeine meaning whenever I need that extract push to wake me up I usually drink a Pepsi or cola to give me that extra strength in the morning or in the afternoon while I’m studying or doing my homework and I’m tired. Plus I have always wanted to see what would happen if I just quit cold turkey.  Since I have tried in the past then have given up halfway since I didn’t see it as a big deal but I am committed to seeing this through to the end. When it comes to the outcome and how I see everything playing out I do believe I will want to quit middle way through just because I know the type of person I am, and I know that if I see a Pepsi in front of me on a hot summer day I am going to be contemplating weather to not I can do this or not or weather or not I should give in. But like I said I hope to see this through to the end.