All posts by sydney beasley

Transcendent Kingdom Entry 1

A minor addiction that I’m giving up is soda/ really sweet drinks. Soda isn’t the healthiest beverage so cutting it out will do more harm than good. I wouldn’t say I am addicted addicted so I should be able to handle giving it up for the whole time period. I will probably slip up though unknowingly because it is hard to quit your addictions cold turkey. This caused me to have a little bit of acne and nobody wants that so this will further me into quitting. Quitting the soda was actually how I realized that was the cause of my acne. It had cleared but I started heavily drinking soda and it came back rapidly. I wouldn’t classify soda as my favorite type of drink but I would chose it over other options like orange juice or something. I have some digestive problems so the carbonation helps me.  I also have more energy as it seems. I feel like soda is heavy and sits in your stomach. Sugary drinks that claim to give you energy give you a sugar rush which you think is energy until you crash and feel really bad after.