All posts by Paul Fess
Experiential Learning Activity: Transcendent Kingdom by Yaa Gyasi
Transcendent Kingdom Project Entry #1
Write a 300-word reflection describing your relationship with the minor addiction you’ve chosen to give up. Why did you choose this minor addiction? How difficult do you think it will be to change your habits?
STEM Career Readiness Event
Paper 2
Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Creative Writing Read-a-Thon
Children’s Literature course with open seats (Spring II)
Join us for ENG 280: Children’s Literature
Come explore the wonders of Children’s Literature this summer! Class meets T/Th 10:30-2:00; we will be reading, discussing, and sharing classics and newly-published books written for children across a wide variety of genres, cultures, and languages.
Please contact Dr. Rachel Boccio with any questions:
Week 6
Hi all,
- For next class you should read Acts I, II, and III from Macbeth. I would also like you to make annotations on what you read. Here are the instructions for your annotations from the syllabus:
Post annotations: Where do you see Shakespeare’s play representing ideas related to “the natural” and “the unnatural”? Post at least 5 annotations locating a place in the text where you see Shakespeare addressing this question, and write a short annotation that describes how he does it.
- I know that I mentioned writing a blog post, but you don’t have to worry about this week.
- Remember to post your final revision of your paper to the Google Drive folder by Tuesday. Whatever is there by that day is what I will grade.
Let me know if you have any questions.